Christmas, 2024
The Birth of Christ, the Light of the World
The Birth of Christ, the Light of the World
Preserving Democracy: The Threat of Authoritarianism
Preserving Democracy: The Threat of Authoritarianism
The Reception of Vatican II: Historical and Theological Perspectives
Catholic Social Teaching on Immigration
Christmas, 2023
Synod 2023, Toward a World Church
The Development of Catholic Social Teaching: Papal and Conciliar Documents
Pope Francis: Ten Years as Leader of a World Church
Pope Francis: Ten Years of Parish Renewal
A Response to Ross Douthat: He is Wrong about Vatican II
I offer the Reflections article as my Christmas greeting to you.
Abortion and Public Policy after Dobbs
Overcoming Voter Reluctance: Public and Personal Strategies
Examining a Conspiracy Theory: Why So Many Americans Believe Trump’s Big Lie and What Can Be Done About It.
Saving our Democracy: The Fight for Truth
Developing our Spiritual, Mental and Spiritual Health
Saving American Democracy: Current Threats and Responsible Responses
Reimagining Our Personal Relationships
Toward a Post-pandemic Spirituality: Reimagining Work
Christmas Liturgy: Reflecting on Christ, the Icon of God’s Glory
Gun Violence: Spiritual Perspectives
Developing a Post-pandemic Spiritualty: Reimaging Work
Simone Biles: Learning from her Olympic Experience
Simone Biles: Learning from her Olympic Experience
The Catholic Bishops and Communion for President Biden
May, 2021 Reflections
January, 2021 Reflections The 2020 Election: Understanding the Dispute
January, 2021 Reflections
Christmas: A Story of Hopeful Realism
September Reflections
July Reflections, 2020
May Reflections
2020 April Reflections
2020 March Reflections Vol No
2020 February Reflections
January Reflections
December Reflections
November Reflections
October Reflections
September, 2019 Reflections
June Reflections
May Reflections
April Reflections