Fr. Bacik’s December Christmas Reflections. It is a rereading of the Christmas story from the viewpoint of the Cosmic Christ.

    Fr. Bacik begins with the Christmas story from Luke, the story we grew up hearing.  Here he gives us a rereading of that story from the viewpoint of divine love fully …

12. James Bacik: “Karl Rahner Made Practical – Pt. 8 of 8 Heaven, Hell, Purgatory: Reinterpreting the Last Things”

James Bacik | “Karl Rahner Made Practical – Pt. 8 of 8 Heaven, Hell, Purgatory: Reinterpreting the Last Things” | August 25, 2012 | Our Lady Queen of Peace Chapel …

9. James Bacik: “Karl Rahner Made Practical – Pt. 5/8 Finding God in Everyday Life – The Theology of Grace”

Fr. James Bacik | “Karl Rahner Made Practical – Pt. 5/8: Finding God in Everyday Life” |August 4, 2012 | Our Lady Queen of Peace Chapel Run Time: 56:47 Father …

Homily on Jonah

Listen to Father Jim Bacik’s as he gives this beautiful homily on Jonah. You can download the full mp3 and listen at our leisure. Please check back soon as Father Bacik will continue to post more homilies.

50 Day Easter Season

The 50-day Easter season, which extends through the celebration of Pentecost, offers marvelous opportunities for ongoing spiritual growth. By the third century, Christian communities used this season for “mystagogical catechesis,” which provided…

The Parish as Leven in the World

Father Jim Bacik spoke on “Religion & Society: Cultivating the Virtue of Solidarity”. The presentation was held at Corpus Christi University Parish. Check back soon as Father Bacik will continue to post his latest lectures and homilies.


Listen or watch Father Jim Bacik discuss “Vocations” at Corpus Christi. Check back soon as Father Bacik will continue to post his latest lectures and homilies.

A Letter from Father Bacik

On July 2, 2012, Msgr. Michael Billian will become the new pastor of Corpus Christi University Parish (CCUP), assisted by Fr. Phil Smith. I am convinced that they are the best possible choices for our parish. They will serve half time both at CCUP and at Blessed Sacrament Parish. My conversations with Msgr. Billian have assured me that he appreciates the strengths of our parish: a supportive permanent community; an outstanding group of student leaders; a loyal group of faculty and staff; a dedicated pastoral staff; a committed pastoral council; and a competent finance council, as well as the many other individuals and groups who contribute their time and talent to further the ministry of CCUP to the University of Toledo community. With these potent ingredients, I believe that CCUP is in a great position to continue to grow and flourish in new ways…

2. James Bacik: “Vocations”

Father Jim Bacik | “Vocations” | March 29, 2011 | Corpus Christi Run Time: 62:22 Father Jim Bacik discussed “Vocations” at Corpus Christi. Click here to view the video.