Gospel and Homily for 19th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Christ, the Bread of Life, is always with us and helps us to deal with all the burdens in our lives.
Christ, the Bread of Life, is always with us and helps us to deal with all the burdens in our lives.
Christ the Liberator and the challenge of freedom
Make use of the gifts you have been given.
Our call to join Christ in the process of reconciliation.
Lecture at Corpus Christi on May 1, 2012
This is Fr. Bacik’s homily from February 26, 2012. To listen to the homily, please click below.
This is the homily about Corpus Christi Sunday and how we are a part of the Body of Christ. You can download the homily by clicking the link below.
Fr. Bacik’s Homily on Ash Wednesday, about our inner demons and how God helps us deal with them. Given on Ash Wednesday February 26, 2012 You can download the full …
Listen to Father Jim Bacik’s as he gives this beautiful homily on Jonah. You can download the full mp3 and listen at our leisure. Please check back soon as Father Bacik will continue to post more homilies.
Father Jim Bacik spoke on “Religion & Society: Cultivating the Virtue of Solidarity”. The presentation was held at Corpus Christi University Parish. Check back soon as Father Bacik will continue to post his latest lectures and homilies.
Listen or watch Father Jim Bacik discuss “Vocations” at Corpus Christi. Check back soon as Father Bacik will continue to post his latest lectures and homilies.